Bhutan Landmarks | Druk Asia


The most distinct and important structure in Bhutan, Dzongs (fortresses) are architectural masterpieces that dotted Bhutan. Each Dzongs are built on a site chosen for religious significance.

Bhutanese dzong architecture reached its zenith in the 17th century after the arrival of the great lama Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. Each of the dzongs site were based on omens and visions. The dzongs were well sited with regard to their function as defensive fortresses. Hilltops or mountain spurs were usually chosen as a site to build dzongs, and if dzongs were built on the side of a valley wall, a smaller dzong or a watchtower is typically built directly uphill from the main dzong whose main purpose would be to keep the slope clear of attackers who might otherwise shoot downward into the courtyard of the main dzong below.

The Dzongs are part of a network that defended the Kingdom against frequent invasions by Tibetans in the 17th century. Dzongs have stone foundations and walls of sand and clay bricks, and wooden beams are skillfully cut to fit most dexterously.

By tradition, dzongs are constructed without the use of architectural plans hence there is no blueprints of any of the dzongs. Instead a high lama who established each dimension by means of spiritual inspiration gave construction directions. Traditional Bhutanese architecture did not use any nails or iron bars. Dzongs serve as the religious, military, administrative, and social centres of their districts and are often the site of an annual tsechu or other religious festivals.

Jakar Yugyal Dzong, commonly known as Jakar Dzong ‘Fortress of White Bird’, is situated on a ridge above the Jakar village of Chamkhar Valley in Bumthang. The dzong played a pivotal role as a fortress... Read More »
Paro Dzong is the administrative seat of Paro district. Paro Dzong, officially known as Rinpung Dzong, ‘Fortress of Heap of Jewels" was built in 1644 under the order of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. It... Read More »
Formerly named Pungtang Dechen Photrang Dzong, ‘The Palace of Bliss or Great Happiness’, Punakha Dzong was built in 1637. The location of the majestic fortress is said to have been chosen by the found... Read More »
Tashichho Dzong, ‘Fortress of the Glorious Religion’ or ‘Fortress of Auspicious Doctrine’, or popularly known as Thimphu Dzong, is an impressive structure that houses the throne room and offices of ... Read More »
Trongsa Dzong literally means ‘the fortress on the tip of a Dungkhar (conch) of the never-changing country of Druk and the everlasting Dharma’. Trongsa Dzong was built in 1647 during the time of Trong... Read More »
Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel was supposedly at Chimi Lhakhang in Punakha when he met a decrepit old man. He described a ridge in the present-day Wangdue Phodrang as a ’sleeping elephant’ and told Zhabdru... Read More »
Along the old road from Paro to Phuentsholing, about 5km south of Thimphu, lies the charming ancient fortress. Simtokha Dzong was built in 1629 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. Strategically built on a... Read More »
Perched over Paro Rinpung Dzong is the Ta Dzong (watchtower) built in 1649 to protect the dzong. It was renovated in 1968 as the National Museum of Bhutan under the command of the third king, Jigme ... Read More »
Daga Dzong, formerly known as Daga Trashiyangtse Dzong is a fortress in Dagana district in Southern Bhutan. Daga Dzong is one of the oldest dzongs in Bhutan. The name Daga Dzong is derived from t... Read More »
Dobji Dzong is considered to be the first model Dzong in Bhutan. The other names known locally include Dokar, Dogar, or Dobdrek Dzong. The name Dogar, which means white border, is a reference to the... Read More »
Drukgyal Dzong means ‘Fortress of the Victorious Drukpa’. Located in Phondey village, Paro district, Drukgyel Dzong was believed to have been built in 1646 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal to commemorat... Read More »
Gasa Dzong is the administrative headquarter of Gasa district. The dzong was named after its protector Trashi Thongmon. Legend believes that Zhabdrung, who was greeted by a deity of Gasa when he mad... Read More »
Haa Dzong, formally known as Wangchuk Lo Dzong, is one of Bhutan’s newest dzong built in 1915 to replace the small structure. Haa Dzong is situated at the eastern side of Haa in Damchoe region. It i... Read More »
Lhuentse Dzong is an ancient fortress and Buddhist monastery located in Lhuentse district, in eastern Bhutan. It lies on the eastern side of Kuri Chhu and perched on a spur at the end of a narrow vall... Read More »
The Bhutanese equivalent of Count Dracula’s castle, the Dzong is pretty much avoided by the locals today. There is no written history of the Dzong. Oral account believes that a king named Karpo Dun... Read More »
Zhemgang Dzong was founded by Lama Zhang Dorje Drakpa in the 12th century. Zhemgang Dzong stands on top of a ridge that rises sharply from Mangde Chhu, facing the village of Trong and Zhemgang town. L... Read More »
Trashigang Dzong ‘The Fortress of the Auspicious Hill’ is one of the largest ancient fortresses in Bhutan. It is strategically located on the ledge of a mountain with steep cliffs on the three sides, ... Read More »
Trashiyangtse Dzong is one of the oldest dzongs in Bhutan with a history dating back to the 9th century. It was previously known as Dongdi Dzong. Gonkar Gyal, grandson of Lhasey Tshangma, who had esta... Read More »
Zuri Dzong is one of the ancient fortresses located in Paro, Bhutan. Considered one of the oldest dzong, this ancient fortress dates back to 1352 and is home to the valley’s local protector. Built a... Read More »
Lingzhi Yugyal Dzong is an important monastery and administrative centre located at an altitude of 4150m in Lingzhi, Thimphu. The dzong was built in 1668 by the third desi of Bhutan, Chogyal Minjur ... Read More »
Chukha Dzong is one of the newest dzongs in Bhutan. It was consecrated on March 9, 2012 by the Chief Abbot and the inauguration ceremony was graced by Queen Jetsun Pema. The ground works for the dzo... Read More »
Tsirang Dzong serves as the administrative centre for the Tsirang district. Unlike most of the dzongs in Bhutan, Tsirang Dzong does not house the monastic body. The dzong is located half a kilometre from Damphu town and it will take about 2 hours 30 mins from Gelephu town. The construction of the dzong began in 2004 and was completed in 2008. Like the newer dzongs in Bhutan, Tsirang Dzong was built on flat land. From the dzong, you’ll get an amazing view of Khikhor Village.
Unlike most dzongs that are located on hilltops, Mongar Dzong is located on a small slope just above the town. Mongar Dzong was built in 1930 to replace the original Zhongar Dzong which was damaged by fire. Beautiful murals and paintings of Buddha’s teachings adorn the walls and ceilings of the dzong. Although built rather recently, the dzong has all the aspects of the traditional architecture and houses both the administrative and monastic body of the Mongar district.
Samdrup Jongkhar is situated in the southeastern part of Bhutan and shares borders with Assam state, India. Samdrup Jongkhar Dzong is one of the newest dzongs in Bhutan and hence, it was built on a flat and wide-open area. Inside the dzong, there is a small building called “The Dratshang” which houses the monastic body. Just a short car ride away is the Rabdey Dratsang, the residence of the monastic community in Samdrup Jongkhar.
Bhutan's splendid temples and other landmarks are well maintained, preserving the country's rich heritage.
About Dochula Pass Dochula Pass is a beautiful mountain pass located between Thimphu and Punakha in Bhutan. Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck, the eldest Queen Mother of Bhutan built 108 memorial chortens k... Read More »
Standing regally on the hill above the Punakha valley, Khamsum Yulley Namgyal Chorten is a classic example of the amazing traditions and architecture of Asian countries. This chorten, however, is uniq... Read More »
Another unique structure is the prominent National Memorial Chorten. This stupa, which is predominantly white with spires of gold, was erected in 1974 in honor of the father of modern Bhutan, the th... Read More »
A giant golden Buddha Statue sits at one of the mountains in Thimphu known as Kunzangphodrang. Its presence reflects the dominant religion in Bhutan. Buddhism plays a strong part in the dail... Read More »
Folk Heritage Museum located in Kawajangsa, in the heart of the capital city, Thimphu. It is within the walking distance of the National Library of Bhutan and the National Institute for zorig choes... Read More »
Alongside Bhutan’s internationally applauded concept of Gross National Happiness, the jaw- dropping landscapes, and the plethora of Buddhist sights, the country takes a distinct pride in its cultur... Read More »
Motithang Takin Preserve, located in the Motithang district of Thimphu, Bhutan is a wildlife reserve area for Takin, the national animal of Bhutan. Originally a mini-zoo, it was converted into a pr... Read More »
The three storeychorten- shaped temple representing hell, earth and heaven was built in 1421 by the iron-bridge builder ThangtongGyelpo. Also nicknamed The Changzampa, he was a great builder who bui... Read More »
A series of traditional bamboo huts, aligned neatly below Norzin Lam, right opposite the Nehru Wangchuk Cultural Centre is the Authentic Bhutanese Crafts Bazaar which showcase a wide range of authen... Read More »
About 10 minutes’ drive from clock tower, near Wangchhu river and just north of Changlimithang Stadium is Thimphu’s busiest domestic market. Her Royal Highness Ashi Dechen Yangzom Wangchuck inaugura... Read More »
Bhutan is a mountainous country linked with series of passes.  Located at 3810m (13,000ft), between the valley of Paro and Haa is Chele La, the highest road pass in the country.  Popular for sh... Read More »
Among Thimphu’s many tourist attraction is the BBS Tower, also known by the name Sangaygang. Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS)runs the radio and television network of the country and has a telecommu... Read More »
Tachogang or Tachog Lhakhang meaning the ‘Temple of the Hill of the Excellent Horse’ was built by the legendary Great Iron Bridge Builder, Thangtong Gyalpo (1385-1464). Legend has it that one-day Th... Read More »
Hot stone bath is one of the very great experiences Bhutan has to offer. The bath, made of wood is constructed on a ground level, outside of the home. Traditionally these bath are done near a r... Read More »
A single clock tower rests in the heart of Thimphu city with long dragons facing towards the clock and colorful Bhutanese designs carved onto the surface of the tower. The dragons represent the i... Read More »
On the way to Thimphu from Paro the observant eye might spot a strange and what appears to be a dilapidated bridge. On closer inspection the bridge looks stripped clean yet this is how it was mea... Read More »
High up in the mountains one hundred thousand angels descended and left footprints on a rock 800 years ago. Now a group of horses, yaks and tour guides eagerly wait to take tourist not to see the... Read More »
The crystal clear rivers of Bhutan are one of the kingdom’s most precious natural resources. The pristine environment and the sheer variety of the rivers' courses provide a unique opportunity for tr... Read More »
Hailed as the longest suspension bridge in Bhutan, the Pho Chu Suspension Bridge is such a spectacular construction connecting the mainland to the villages spread in the grand valley of Pho Chu Val... Read More »
The famous Changangkha Lhakhang is an ancient fortress-like temple that is strategically located on a ridge above the city of Thimphu, south-east of Motithang. This famous temple hums with pilgrim ... Read More »
The tiny Kingdom of Bhutan is renowned for producing some of the world’s finest textiles. Weaving is an integral part of Bhutanese culture and tradition. Thagzo or weaving is one of the thirteen tradi... Read More »
Simply Bhutan is a highly interactive “living Museum" that offers you an excellent guided introduction to different aspects of the traditional Bhutanese life. As a visitor, there is so much that yo... Read More »
For the best Bhutanese artistry, you will find anywhere, visit the Craft Gallery, a store located in the old Textile Museum in Thimphu. The shop showcases some of the finest work by local artists, a... Read More »
Namgay Artisanal Brewery is located at Dumsibu, Paro, Bhutan. They brew many styles of beers, considering the different drinking palates for taste, making sure that all beer-lovers are satisfied. ... Read More »
Bhutan Post Office Headquarter is situated close to the Changlam Square in Thimphu. It’s home to the world’s largest photo book and most bizarre collection of Bhutanese stamps that will intrigue any... Read More »
  The Gagyel Lhundrup Weaving Center is a private establishment in Bhutan’s capital of Thimphu. Located at the southern end of Thimphu, the Gagyel Lhundrup Weaving Centre produces some of the f... Read More »
Punakha Suspension Bridge is the longest suspension bridge in Bhutan measuring 180 m in length. From the bridge, you can get a spectacular view of the Po Chhu river (male river) and the valley. It’s a... Read More »

These religious structures and sacred sites are soaked in the myth, legends and history of Bhutan.

Chimi Lhakhang is a popular Buddhist monastery in Bhutan. It is located near Sopsokha village in the Punakha District of Bhutan. Pilgrims and tourists have to take a stroll for 20 minutes through th... Read More »
Tango Goemba is a Buddhist monastery situated near the scenic Cheri Mountains in Bhutan. The monastery is just 9 miles (14 km) north of the country’s capital city, Thimphu. Tango Goemba has a rich hi... Read More »
According to legend, Jampa (Jambay) Temple or Temple of Maitreya in Bumthang is said to be one of the 108 temples built by the Tibetan King Songtsen Goenpo in 659 AD on a single day. Like Kyichu Lha... Read More »
Kurjey Lhakhang, is one of the most holy and sacred sites in Bhutan, located in the Bumthang district. Nestled on the side of a hill, surrounded by 108 chorten walls, the complex houses three revere... Read More »
Kyichu Lhakhang is located in the north of Paro town. It is the oldest and one of the most beautiful temples in Bhutan. It also goes by the names Lho Kyerchu or Kyerchu, and it is considered to be t... Read More »
History of Eutok Samdup Choeling Goenpa Eutok Samdup Choeling Goenpa was established by Terton Rigzin Jatson Nyingpo in the 15th century and is located in Shaba, Paro Dzongkhag around 3 kms fro... Read More »
Are you considering a visit to Bhutan? Your visit will not be complete without touring the picturesque and culturally endowed Haa Valley. This vast scenic valley covers an area 1706 square kilometr... Read More »
The Sangchhen Dorji Lhuendrup Nunnery is located on top of a hill overlooking the magnificent Punakha, Toebesa and Wangduephodrang valleys. The temple is a true depiction of Bhutanese construction ... Read More »
History & location   The Cheri Goemba monastery is one of the oldest or rather first Bhutan's Buddhist monastery located near Mt Cheri and borders the Thimphu City 14 kilometres to the nort... Read More »
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