Bhutan on Timeout Singapore | Bhutan Travel | Druk Asia

Bhutan on Timeout Singapore

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09 Sep 2012

Lester travels with Druk Asia and finds Bhutan to be a worthwhile destination despite the minimum tariff of USD250.

Lester Ledesma traveled to Bhutan with Druk Asia. His story was featured on Timeout Singapore, 31st August 2012.

Lester finds Bhutan to be a worthwhile destination despite the minimum tariff of USD250. The minimum spending requirement set by government means that backpackers do not overrun the country. This allows Bhutan to manage tourism at a more sustainable level, protecting the environment while economically benefiting from tourism.

“Coming to Bhutan isn’t cheap. It famously costs a US$250 per night tariff to come here, a policy that helps limit the numbers of travelers to 65,000 a year. But if the S$1,500 I spent on a five-day itinerary sounds like a lot, it feels less like a rip-off than I’d expected. I’d paid Druk Asia (6338 9909, upfront, and in return got a visa, food, transport, lodging at three-star hotels and a guide – in my case, a burly Bhutanese man called Tshering, who’s like a reliable local friend throughout my trip and provides countless cultural insights I wouldn’t have had otherwise.”

Lester’s full story can be read here.

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