Bissful Bhutan on Today | Bhutan Travel | Druk Asia

Blissful Bhutan on Today

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16 Aug 2012

Trixia traveled to Bhutan with Druk Asia. Her thought on Bhutan is published on Today, 16th August 2012.

Trixia was having a full-time correspondence with Today, traveled to Bhutan with Druk Asia in the month of July. Her writing on Bhutan entitled, Blissful Bhutan, is published in Today newspaper on 16th August 2012. This was her first trip to Bhutan. According to here, " Change is coming, but the kingdom’s beauty and gentle rhythm can still lull you into a deep sense of peace. Which hopefully will remain un-tempered.

Today is a daily publication in Singapore owned by Singapore Press Holding (SPH). SPH also owns other daily publication such as The Straits Times and Business Times. Changi Airport, Drukair and Druk Asia made her trip possible.

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